★★★★★ (10)

The Ultimate Wedding Organizer


With this seamless, simple and fully custom Grit and Grace original, we’ve thought of everything from wedding day decor, personal details, the perfect emergency kit and everything in between! Get all of your wedding details organized with nothing left behind (except your stress).


simple road to success


sleep soundly knowing you’re covered


editable + easy-to-use

  • This easy-to-use and customizable online organizer, created by a professional wedding planner, covers all of your wedding day decor and details and in minutes, you’ll be able to organize all your wedding details and say bye bye to the terrifying, looming question… “Am I forgetting something?”

    From your wedding day ceremony details, all of your wedding day signs, your personal wedding day details, the ultimate emergency kit list (perfected after over 7 years in the industry!) and so much more, you’ll feel more confident, and at peace stepping into wedding day.

  • The template comes pre-loaded with designated columns for your personal notes, the quantity needed, and current status of each item on your list.

    You’ll rest easy knowing every detail of the day is fully covered.

Bundle & Save



The Master


Custom Wedding
Timeline Generator


Run Your

Snag the signature Grit & Grace Method — AKA, THEEEE product bundle that everyone planning a wedding needs — and save on all 3! When you shop the bundle, you’ll get the Custom Wedding Timeline Generator, Run Your Rehearsal (quite literally your wedding planning BFF), and the Master Checklist (AKA, your all-in-one resource for allll the wedding details).

Claire Roche,
Lead wedding planner

Designed for professional planner-level weddings by an industry expert.

As one of Southern California’s top wedding planners, I’ve planned many (many!) luxurious, gorgeous weddings — and I’m obsessed with making sure as many people as possible have the most perfect days ever. That includes you!

With this Custom Wedding Timeline Generator, you’re getting the exact formula my team uses to craft beautiful weddings. In fact, we’ve used this generator for our work featured in…

(so you know it’s the good stuff)

The Ultimate Wedding Organizer

The reviews are in…


“This has been THE BEST resource! It has given me such peace of mind.

I love that it comes with so many tabs I would have never even thought of, and it’s so easy to add tabs with any other things necessary!”

— Delana R.


“It was very helpful planning my wedding timeline! It was easy to understand and implement.”

— Claire B.


“I loved how easy to follow the Timeline Generator was — it gives me the freedom to plan my wedding on my own.”

— Autumn


“I love how easy to use it was and how helpful it was in the process. It has taken a load off my shoulders in the planning process :)

— Katelyn P.


“Obsessed. The customization and various templates were beyond helpful.

Event planning is a big part of my job but wedding planning is different ball game. The timeline was the thing stressing me out the most and this cured me.”

— Anna S.


“Super easy to use on different devices. Aesthetically pleasing haha. They are so helpful!! You can tell a lot of thought was put into them.”

— Abby S.